Common Motorcycle Crash Injuries

Common Motorcycle Crash Injuries

An estimated 90,000 motorcyclists are injured in motorcycle accidents each year in the United States. In 2016, more than 3,000 of those crashes involving injuries occurred right here in Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Not surprisingly, because motorcycle riders lack any kind of exterior protection, the injuries they sustain in an accident can be […]

Failure To Diagnose And Treat Gestational Diabetes Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Failure To Diagnose And Treat Gestational Diabetes Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy in women who don’t otherwise have the diabetes. Marked by high maternal blood sugar—which can have serious consequences for both mother and child—gestational diabetes is a factor in between 2 and 10 percent of pregnancies in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pregnancy hormones […]

Improper Use Of Pitocin Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Improper Use Of Pitocin Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Childbirth can be a painful and grueling process, and when natural methods doesn’t go as planned, doctors often step in. One of the most common labor and delivery interventions is the use of Pitocin. This is a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin, which triggers strong and frequent uterine contractions. Depending on the circumstances, doctors […]

PA Motorcycle Insurance

PA Motorcycle Insurance

Motor vehicle accidents can result in costly injuries and property damages. In fact, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, economic losses attributed to traffic crashes totaled more than $17 billion in 2016 alone. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires motorists and motorcyclists alike to maintain insurance coverage in order to drive legally. State law requires […]

Birth Injuries: Shoulder Dystocia

Birth Injuries Shoulder Dystocia

Vaginal childbirth is never easy, but factors such as maternal obesity or diabetes; a small or abnormal maternal pelvis; an exceptionally large baby; or a late labor and delivery can complicate the process considerably. Each of these factors might increase an infant’s risk of shoulder dystocia birth injuries, which occur when a baby’s shoulders become […]

Damages for Construction Site Fall Accidents

Damages for Construction Site Fall Accidents

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), falls are the leading cause of injury and death on construction sites. It is the responsibility of the contractors and subcontractors on a site to provide a safe work environment, including fall prevention measures. When these protections are not in place and you are injured in a […]

Follow These Traffic Rules When Biking On The Streets Of Pittsburgh

Follow These Traffic Rules When Biking On The Streets Of Pittsburgh

Bicycling is a healthy, fun, and affordable means of transportation and recreational activity, but it also requires riders to share the road with multi-ton vehicles. Because riders only have their clothes and a helmet—if they’re wearing one—to protect them in an accident, they can suffer catastrophic injuries or death. However, you can keep you and […]

How To Prove A Bicycle Injury Was Caused By A Distracted Driver

How To Prove A Bicycle Injury Was Caused By A Distracted Driver

Each year in Pennsylvania, more than 1,000 people are hurt and more than a dozen are killed in accidents involving bicycles and motor vehicles. In fact, 1,298 people were injured and 16 bicyclists died in these accidents in the state in 2016 alone, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Many of these accidents are caused by […]

What To Do After A Bicycle Accident In Pennsylvania

What To Do After A Bicycle Accident In Pennsylvania

Being involved in a collision with a motor vehicle can be extremely unnerving for bicyclists. However, despite the confusing and traumatic nature of the event, it pays to stay calm, cool and collected after an accident. What they do in the moments following a crash can have a long-lasting impact on their ability to recover […]

Construction Site Chemical Exposure

Construction Site Chemical Exposure

Construction workers face numerous on-the-job hazards. As a result, between 700 and 1,000 workers are killed and an additional 150,000 are injured in construction site accidents each year in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Exposure to perilous substances and chemicals is a leading cause of injury among workers […]