Category Archives: Birth Injuries

Most Common Birth Injuries

Most Common Birth Injuries

It is important to understand the difference between an injury caused by medical staff during labor and delivery and a genetic disorder. The delivery team is not responsible for an illness or defect the baby had in utero. However, if someone’s actions caused harm to an otherwise healthy baby during delivery, he or she can be held […]

What Is The Difference Between A Birth Defect And A Birth Injury?

What Is The Difference Between A Birth Defect And A Birth Injury

The joy parents experience at their baby’s birth can be ruined if they discover their child is seriously ill, especially if the condition cannot be cured and will have long-term consequences on the baby’s health. Two types of health problems a newborn can have are a birth injury and a birth defect. It’s important to understand the […]

Common Birth Injuries Due To Medical Negligence

Common Birth Injuries Due To Medical Negligence

Bringing a new baby into the world is an extremely momentous event for both the parents and their new little addition. While most babies make it through the labor and delivery process unscathed, as many as seven out of every 1,000 infants delivered in the United States are born with a birth injury. Unlike birth […]

Delayed Cesarean Sections Can Lead To Serious Birth Injuries

Delayed Cesarean Sections Can Lead To Serious Birth Injurie

In the United States, approximately 32 percent of all babies born each year are delivered by cesarean section. Considered a significant abdominal surgery, cesarean sections—also known as C-sections—are performed for a number of reasons, including maternal or fetal health problems. An emergency procedure may be necessary in cases where: A mother is suffering from placental problems, uterine […]

Improper Use Of Labor And Delivery Tools Can Result In Serious Birth Injuries

Improper Use Of Labor And Delivery Tools Can Result In Serious Birth Injuries

An estimated 28,000 infants are injured in the labor and delivery process each year in the United States. Many of their injuries were likely preventable. Birth injury rates are highest in vaginal births that involved the use of labor and delivery tools, such as forceps or vacuum extractors. These instruments are used to help guide […]

Untreated Maternal Infections Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Untreated Maternal Infections Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Proper prenatal care is essential to the health of both an expectant mother and her child. Health problems such as maternal infections can be especially dangerous, which is why pregnant women count on OB/GYNs and other health care providers to diagnose and treat these conditions in a timely manner. Left undetected and untreated, the following […]

Failure To Diagnose And Treat Gestational Diabetes Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Failure To Diagnose And Treat Gestational Diabetes Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy in women who don’t otherwise have the diabetes. Marked by high maternal blood sugar—which can have serious consequences for both mother and child—gestational diabetes is a factor in between 2 and 10 percent of pregnancies in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pregnancy hormones […]

Improper Use Of Pitocin Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Improper Use Of Pitocin Can Lead To Birth Injuries

Childbirth can be a painful and grueling process, and when natural methods doesn’t go as planned, doctors often step in. One of the most common labor and delivery interventions is the use of Pitocin. This is a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin, which triggers strong and frequent uterine contractions. Depending on the circumstances, doctors […]

Birth Injuries: Shoulder Dystocia

Birth Injuries Shoulder Dystocia

Vaginal childbirth is never easy, but factors such as maternal obesity or diabetes; a small or abnormal maternal pelvis; an exceptionally large baby; or a late labor and delivery can complicate the process considerably. Each of these factors might increase an infant’s risk of shoulder dystocia birth injuries, which occur when a baby’s shoulders become […]